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Meet Dave Baycroft






There was a resounding and worldwide endorsement for Dave Baycroft when he was inducted into the Linedancer Hall of Fame. With a remarkable commitment and loyalty to the world of Line dance this honour was a validation of Dave’s contribution to dance for over 20 years.


His accolades began in 2004 with a CBA for Rising Star and five consecutive CBAs for DJ of the Year and the Outstanding Achievement Award in 2016. When accepting his Hall of Fame award Dave said “I regard this not only a great honour but also a great responsibility. It as an appointment of ‘Ambassador’ and I will continue to support and encourage line dance whenever and wherever I can.”


With early retirement in 2005 Dave traded Accountancy for dancing and began living a dream of becoming a professional DJ and running dance events. His early break came working with Maggie G and Tim Ruzgar in Pontins, Southport. Tim gave Dave his DJ break on the big stage and the rest is history.


Pauline, his wife has been behind Dave every step of the way supporting and helping in the business as Dave spread his DJ wings far and wide and their dance events and website became more successful.


Dave’s reputation as a DJ is phenomenal. His reliability, dedication and dance knowledge is renowned but perhaps he is famed more for his ability to work around-the-clock and keeping dancers happy.


Dave thanks Maggie G for her faith in him from the earliest days and ongoing with the Maggie G Experience events. He gives credit to Tim Ruzgar for being his DJ coach and mentor and most of all, much love and appreciation to Pauline for sticking with him all the way on his awesome dance journey.


In 2019, at the age of 60 Dave and Pauline have begun to slow down a little but line dancing will remain an important part of their lives. Dave now, in 2020, becomes a member of the Linedancer Radio family!







The Chart show playlist on Mixcloud

A selection of Dave's favourite photos

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  2. Nick 25.jpg
  3. Nick 24.jpg
  4. NIck 22 - Copy.jpg
  5. Facebook 8 - Copy - Copy.jpg
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  8. Facebook 5 - Copy - Copy.jpg


Dave's Choreography






Links to Dave´s stepsheets on Linedancer & Copperknob





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