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Official LDF launch day for "Reach out for Mental Health"

September 26th 2020


We ask you to use your love of dance as a platform to help remove the stigma, the fear and the loneliness associated with mental health illness.


Many people suffer in silence, unsure of where or who to turn to - facing depression - anxiety - stress - low self esteem - self harm and suicidal thoughts every day. Others live with constant self reproach and regret unable to cope or come to terms with a bereavement though a suicide. 

We all know that people are the best medicine for people and that dance is a wonderful therapy but sometimes people might just need a little more help. 


We want to make it easy for people to REACH OUT and talk about their mental pain and to let them know:


        It's okay not to be okay

        It's okay to ask for help

        It's okay to talk to someone

        It's okay to cry with someone

        It's okay to sit in silence with someone


We are not medical people, we have no training but we know that the constant pressures of being in the line dance limelight can take it toll and we want to make sure those who may be suffering understand that the LDF is there for them too.


Funding is available to help with mental illness just as it is with a physical illness. 

Let’s remove the “I” from illness.

Replace it with “we” so that it becomes wellness.


We have designated the last Saturday in September 2020 as the first LDF Reach Out Day to raise awareness of Mental Health issues.


Grace David has confirmed she will host the first Reach Out Event in South Korea on that day and we all hope that more dancers will follow in her footsteps. 


In the meantime we ask that keep in touch with each other, keep talking to each other, be aware of each other and don’t be afraid to REACH OUT to any LDF Ambassador for yourself or somebody you know. 



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